The four kind of experiences you can access through Holotropic or Transcendental Breathwork as documented by transpersonal psychology

Physico-somatic experience
Sensations in the body
Tingling Needles and pins, hot/cold, waves of energy, vibrations, lightness/heaviness spontaneous movements,it’s the body readjusting .
Accessing physical memories we can also access past injuries completing recovery
and getting rid of recurrent pain.

Perinatal experience
Accessing the pre-birth and birth memories.
As a baby we all pass through a very strong and impactful birth process, and the memory we keep from this process is influencing our psyche.
The birth process is made of four phases:
-1 Floating in the womb as in paradise
-2 Locked in a painful and scary trap when the contractions start and the canal is not open yet.
-3 Fighting to escape when the Canal opens and the expulsion starts
-4 Achieving the process and (re)birthing to a new aerial life
We are all influenced by, and we can relive one of these phases or the complete process(Rebirthing) to clear the subconscious influence of theses memories.

Biographic experience
Accessing the subconscious mind
We can reach our childhood memories, relive it from a different perspective, integrate it and release blockages:
-Emotional blockages: repressed anger, fear, sadness, desires, joy etc
-Psychosomatic blockages : skin problems, irritable bowel syndrome, headache, asthma, nails biting etc.
-Compulsive repetitive behaviour: quit the patterns/loops we are again and again unconsciously reproducing
-Understand limiting beliefs.

Transpersonal/Transcendental experience
Accessing the superconscious mind
We can enter a realm of experiences that transcend space and time:
-Journey to different times and places
-Consciousness expansion
-Other type of consciousness identification
-Spiritual insights, connectedness, unconditional love etc
-Intuition, creativity
Next Transcendental Breathwork workshop here :